Parvesh Goswami, a small town kid from Bihar, never imagined that his passion for art would one day lead him to build a successful global painting website portal. But through hard work and determination, he has accomplished just that with Gift Painting India.
Goswami's journey began as a young boy, when he discovered a love for painting and drawing. Despite limited resources and opportunities in his hometown, he was determined to pursue his passion. He taught himself how to paint and eventually began selling his artwork to local residents.
As he grew older, Goswami realized that there was a demand for Indian art beyond his small town. He saw an opportunity to connect artists from India with a global audience, and thus the idea for Gift Painting India was born.
Starting with just a few artists and a basic website, Goswami began to build his business. He reached out to other artists, both amateur and professional, and curated a collection of unique and beautiful Indian paintings. He also began to market his website to international customers, and soon orders began to pour in from all over the world.
Despite facing many challenges along the way, including financial difficulties and a lack of resources, Goswami never gave up on his dream. He bootstrapped his company and worked tirelessly to build it into the successful global business it is today.
Today, Gift Painting India exports art to more than 80 countries around the world. The website features a diverse collection of paintings in various styles and mediums, from traditional Indian art to modern abstract pieces.
Goswami's story is truly inspiring, and serves as a reminder that with hard work and determination, anyone can achieve their dreams. His small town roots and bootstrapped business model have served as a testament to the fact that success knows no bounds, and that anything is possible with grit and determination."